2013년 12월 25일 수요일

Animated GIFS

I created this assortment for an assortment of reasons. I don't own the original images but I still think they're fun.

First, from Hyperbole and a Half:

Allie smashing into the box in "The God of Cake"

Allie eating face cream from the book

Mine! All Mine! From "The God of Cake"

Two different GIFs of The Simple Dog stuck in a loop, from "Wild Animal: The Simple Dog Goes for a Joy Ride"

Now a selection from the various Toy Story movies:
Toy Story 3: Big Baby crying
Toy Story: Etch drawing a gun
Toy Story: Toy soldier recon mission

Two from Spongebob
Mrs. Puff breaking rocks
Sandy karate chopping a salami


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