2007년 7월 3일 화요일

John 1: 1-16

Today I got up and actually went first to God instead of online. Part of what did that was that my mission trip to China, that I'd really been looking forward to, seems to be going south. The only flight out of Incheon to Kunming is on Thursdays. My vacation doesn't start until after work on Friday. So I'd either have to find a substitute at SLP (which seems very unreasonable to even ask), or Matthew will have to find an alternative flight for me. So I'm praying that if I am meant to go on the trip, God makes a way clear to us. And that if I'm not meant to go, I accept it with grace and have clear other things that I'm supposed to be doing, that I don't get stuck brooding in my apartment feeling forgotten.

Now! Waking with prayer got me praying, and putting my prayers in my spiritual journal, as Jaime has been encouraging all of us to go. And I listed an already answered prayer. I'd been having trouble getting on the Trinity Seminary web site. I think I'm supposed to go to seminary, Trinity specifically, but I couldn't get the site to load so I could get a phone number and call to schedule an appointment with admissions. So! I have the phone number, and Angela charged up my phone with minutes for me, and I'm ready to go on that phone call. I've also been praying that if Trinity is God's plan I'll find a way to support myself. The obvious choice seems to be doing voice work, and I"ve started looking for that. I found the site Rod told me about and there are some promising leads, and I'm putting together a voice resume and I"ll start sending it out. I also need to talk to Catherine about getting persmission from SLP to do part time work on the side, so that this is all legal. I'm sure Catherine will back me because she is a Christian and understands these things.

Now, on to today's Bible reading.

I picked up at the beginning of the book of John. I'm pondering John 1:5, where it says that the darkness has not either overcome or understood the light. The best translation seems to be "understood" or "percieved". Which brings me to Jon 1:10: "the world did not recognize him." How often have I failed to recognize Jesus in myself or others?

John 1:14: "the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." Physically during the Incarnation, but spiritually now.

John 1:16: "From the fulness of his grace we have all recieved one blessing after another." Something I need to remember. Starting with the blessing of at least some of the darkness being overcome in myself. Then the fruits of that blessing.

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